Sunday, January 2, 2011

New Years=Automatic Birthday in Korea=Audrey is 30=Ajjuma

Let me explain that title: according to Korean age counting/math, a person is 1 when they are born (as opposed to 0 like we are in Western society), and then turn their new age during the New Year (I asked my students - it's the Western calendar new year, not Lunar New Year). So, even though I'm really 28, I'm 29 according to that whole birth thing, and then 30 because yesterday was New Year's Day.

I have accepted this with grace.


In a completely unrelated matter, I have noticed that my eyesight at night has just been deteriorating. I can't really read signs - they all just look like a bright-light blur (really inconvenient when I'm trying to catch a bus). I thought that was just a me thing (especially seeing as I haven't really lived places with lots of bright lights at night), but I was talking to friends about it, and they all pretty much said it was night-blindness. Was in Gangnam with Cait and Sio, and we passed a glasses store, and I figured "eh, let's see if they can fix it...." After lots of really bad communication, i just took the pen from the guy, turned the graphic card over and drew a daytime picture and a nighttime picture of how I saw. He went, "oh!!", grabbed the glasses tester thing, took me over to the window, and we did my eye test there using the signs on the building across the street. I'm sure it was the most unconventional vision test he's ever done.

So, now, I'm Korean 30 and I have Korean glasses.

For those who find themselves in my situation, let me reassure you (and, well, my parents), that Korea is a *fantastic* place for your vision to go because glasses are DIRT CHEAP! My lenses were 30,000 (like $30), and the frames start at 20. The ones I got were 50, but they are pretty durable and...well....pretty. Plus, they were from Gangnam, so they were more expensive. Cait and I have plans to go not-so-Gangnam-y glasses shopping so I can buy a backup pair..............if this whole glasses-at-night thing works out.

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