Sunday, November 28, 2010

Thanksgiving and Too-Early Snow....and a Too-Long To-Do List

I've never been that big of a fan of Thanksgiving. I don't really like the food (it all tastes the same....and salty), and I don't really have any emotional connections to the holiday. It's never been a big thing for me and mom (I'm not sure if we have a holiday. Maybe Halloween?) and the holiday I associate with my dad is New Years. However, I did join the snb girls for a massive feast. Knowing "army wives" definitely was a huge plus - we were able to place an order for the staple Thanksgiving foods, and then Sio and Care made a few other side dishes. As I'm not a huge pumpkin pie fan, I found a walnut pie at Paris Baguette (no pecan pie), which had a crust that was like 80% butter. Instead of going around the table talking about what we were thankful for, we decided that we were thankful for not having to do that, and talked about more important subjects (like Riah's play and our next jjimjilbang trip).

I was homesick this year, but for reasons other than missing a big holiday: Jess got married on Friday and I hated not being there. Combine that with Lisa leaving, and I was an emotional wreck. It also didn't help that a very important fixture in my apartment was broken (which has since been fixed thanks to Jessica, my hero with the correct tools :)).

I have a ton of work to do before tomorrow. It keeps swarming around in my head and it seems like a much bigger ball than it actually is (like when you shove your socks in the drawer instead of folding them). To get through tomorrow, I need to prep for Eagle (yes, I'm *finally* teaching that class), and get into my classroom so I can staple *aallllll* of that day 1 crap I need. And, you know, probably straighten up a bit =p I have this 65 page packet I need to print for each kid in Masters. The whole Model UN thing is going to be awesome (well, once I get it all printed =p). Our first chapter is on conflict diamonds, and I think I might show them some (tameish) scenes from Blood Diamond so they get the idea as to why it is such a problem.

The best idea is probably to go to bed now, and get up and just go straight in tomorrow so I have one day of awfulness instead of trying to rush it all at the last minute.

Also, it snowed last night and this morning. I hope that this isn't a big-snow winter. I hate snow. It's freaking cold and it makes me fall down.

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